The Parse

Parsing the stupidity

Archive for the ‘Election 08’ Category

Why Obama Won, Part 2

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In my post-election post explaining why Obama won, I failed to mention one important element that led to his taking the White House: he bought it.

Written by The Parse

December 4, 2008 at 9:09 pm

Obama’s “experience”

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The fact that Barack Obama has run a national campaign for himself is often cited by his supporters as evidence that he has the executive experience and organizational skills needed to be president.  Laughable as that is in itself, CBS now says the Obama campaign operation logistics are horrid.  In addition to being scatter-brained, disorganized, poorly planned and inflexible, Obama’s campaign also sports a smelly airplane.

Is this the kind of unprofessionalism we can look forward to in an Obama presidency?

Written by The Parse

October 8, 2008 at 9:31 pm

Debate Round 2 (and Ohio shenanigans)

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John McCain did take the gloves off in tonight’s debate like many were predicting, but he did land some solid jabs on Obama.  Nonetheless, he could have made some stronger connections between Obama and the mortgage meltdown, particularly by mentioning Obama’s work for ACORN, which pushed for regulations that caused the crisis.  McCain actually should have drawn these lines in the first debate when the meltdown was red hot.  His recent stump scathing of Obama may be too little, too late. Also, he didn’t once bring up Obama’s radical friends tonight, though given the questions and atmosphere, that may have come across as too cheap.  Regardless, McCain must remove the gloves completely in the final debate, and conventional wisdom would dictate he will if he is trailing.

Other than missing some opportunities to make bigger punches, McCain did well generally.  But, so did Obama (at least in terms of style – his dangerous ideology and distortions are another matter).  With some new polls showing a tightening race after the VP debate, tonight’s event may keep this close.

In other news, Obama election fraud shenanigans continue, with homeless people being rounded up in Ohio to register and vote the same day for – guess who – Obama.

Written by The Parse

October 8, 2008 at 9:25 pm

The Obama Youth

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The Obama kids choir was bad enough.  Now we have The Obama Youth.  This is starting to get scary.  There’s something not right about a man who inspires militant marching, chanting and – the Obama gang sign?

Written by The Parse

October 5, 2008 at 4:06 pm

AP defends Obama

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It’s not a secret the MSM are actively and openly campaigning for Barack Obama.  The latest sin of journalism in this regard is this piece from the Associated Press’ Washington bureau.  The person who wrote this should be immediately fired as should anyone above him who approved it.

The opinion piece, masquerading as ‘analysis’, suggests that Sarah Palin’s questioning of Obama’s ties to radical figures are false and even racist.  We’ve already been over the Obama’s method of injecting racism into the campaign – now the media is doing it for him.

Some of the most outrageously fallacious and biased paragraphs from the article:

“Her [Palin’s] reference to Obama’s relationship with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground, was exaggerated at best if not outright false. No evidence shows they were “pals” or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career.”

Huh?  I’m not sure what Douglass Daniel’s (the author) definition of “pal” is, but if someone hosted a fund-raising event to get my political career off the ground, I’d consider them on pretty good terms.  It’s incredible that Daniel issues the lie that Palin’s claims are false, then in the next sentence shows how her claims are not false.

Another gem:

“Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as “not like us” is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.”

What the hell?  Obama himself portrays himself as “not like us,” either when saying others will claim he doesn’t look like other presidents or when blasting average Americans for “clinging to guns and religion” (he’d rather the be clinging to him and the Democrat party).

Regardless, Palin’s comments have nothing to do with race, and only a guilty white conscience or race-baiter would see them as such.  If anyone is racist, it is Obama, for sitting in his racist pastor’s church for 20 years, listening to his hate-filled sermons.

That the Associated Press would so openly defend Obama (and mischaracterize him to do it) is downright disgraceful.  Accusing McCain of allowing racism into the campaign is a new low for the MSM and reveals how dirty they will become to get their guy in the White House.

Written by The Parse

October 5, 2008 at 9:58 am

Obama’s hand in the meltdown

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A quick summary of Barack Obama’s complicity in the financial sector meltdown (as revealed so far):

1. He was the attorney for a far-left agitation group called ACORN when it lobbied the Clinton administration to change rules so that banks would be forced to make more home loans to low-income people.
2. His campaign finance chairman was one of the people who had a hand in repacking these toxic loans into investment vehicles that have decimated the financial sector in the US and abroad.
3. He has received more donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac than all but one other Senator (Democrat Chris Dodd). These two organizations, besides their illegal activities, exacerbated the meltdown by guaranteeing bad loans and selling them as investment vehicles to Wall St. with that guarantee.
4. He has received advice and had on his staff two corrupt Fannie/Freddie officials.
5. His party resisted regulation of Fannie and Freddie – regulation advocated by George W. Bush and John McCain, among other Republicans.

Written by The Parse

October 3, 2008 at 10:09 pm

Obama air-raiding comment

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A dust-up is brewing over Barack Obama saying US forces in Afghanistan have “air-raid[ed] villages” and “kill[ed] civilians.”  Sarah Palin says she believes the statement disqualifies Obama to be Commander-In-Chief.  Below is the video with those comments (until YouTube pulls it).

Written by The Parse

October 3, 2008 at 9:46 pm

Obama’s tax lies

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A new Rasmussen poll released today shows that 59% of Americans agree with Ronald Reagan’s sentiment that “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”  The only group with a plurality who disagreed (46%) was liberals.  Moderates agreed with Reagen’s statement by 61%-25%.

But perhaps most interesting is that 44% of Barack Obama supporters agree that government is the problem (40% disagree).  Why would these voters support Obama, who advocates $900 billion in new government spending, a massive government intrusion into health care, and higher taxes on job-creating businesses?  Either the sentiment that government is the problem is not all that important to those 44% of Obama backers, or they simply are unaware of his Big Government designs.  The latter is probably more likely.

Simply put, Obama is lying to America about what his administration would bring.  He is championing himself as a tax-cutter who is the hero of the middle class.  Somehow the fact that his view of helping the middle class is to grow government has been lost.  Obama’s campaign knows if the facts about what he will do are revealed, he will lose the election.  So they simply lie about their plans.  For instance, in last night’s VP debate Joe Biden claimed that under an Obama administration, tax rates on the wealthy would be no higher than under Reagan.  But under Reagan, the top rate was 28%.  Under Obama, it would rise back to the 39% it was under Clinton.

Democrats often have to present themselves as conservatives, because conservative principles are supported by more Americans than those principles that Obama supports.  Obama will have to raise taxes to pay for his new programs, as well as the $700 billion bailout package that will probably be approved today.  He won’t say that now, but remember that Bill Clinton also promised to cut taxes, and then raised them to historic highs.

Written by The Parse

October 3, 2008 at 9:58 am

VP debate

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The vice presidential debate, like the first presidential debate, was generally a draw.  But this time, a draw benefits the Republican ticket more than the Democratic.

Palin’s expectations were low coming in.  While she gave mostly general, rehearsed answers, she didn’t commit any major mistakes that will hurt McCain.  She came off as less experienced and informed on major issues standing next to Biden, but everyone already knew that going in.  By avoiding any significant gaffes, she has passed her final test before the vote, which may ultimately result in a net gain for McCain.

Biden’s performance, while laced with lies and distortions even about his own record (esp. on Iraq), raises a major question: If Joe Biden dies, will Barack Obama be ready to be president?

Biden clearly has a handle on issues and is ready to give specifics, even if his handle is completely mistaken and his specifics are fallacious.  His appearance of knowledge and experience tower over Obama, who chose his running mate to shore up the readiness gap.  Clearly, whether one agrees with Biden’s stances or not, he has the credentials to be president.  Unfortunately for him, though, he’s not running for that office.

Written by The Parse

October 2, 2008 at 10:00 pm

Biden’s foreign policy folly

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The Biden quotes in the previous post were taken from this National Review piece, which I highly recommend reading.  It is a damning excoriation of Biden’s wrong-headed positions, and is downright scary when you think that this partisan slimeball and his like-minded boy running mate could get into power.

Written by The Parse

October 2, 2008 at 6:09 pm

Posted in Election 08

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