The Parse

Parsing the stupidity

Posts Tagged ‘ACORN

Obama wants to read your diary

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It doesn’t look like Hillary Clinton or John Kerry will be working in the Obama administration after all.  Why?  Because both have an “affiliation” – that is, have received campaign donations from – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that runs afoul of question 18 on the Obama administration’s questionnaire for high level jobs.

The question reads:

“Please describe any affiliation you…have or have had with any financial, banking, mortgage or insurance institution that is currently the subject of federal government intervention as part of the ongoing economic crisis.  This question includes…Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac…”

This is just one of many hypocritical and downright unbelievable pieces of information the Obama administration wants its high-level applicants to provide.  Clearly they don’t want any bad press if someone should turn up in their administration who has been involved with Fannie or Freddie…despite the fact that Obama himself ranks second among recipients of campaign donations from both failed organizations.

So, it seems Obama himself doesn’t qualify for a job in the Obama administration.  Obama also wouldn’t pass the question that asks applicants if they have ever had any friends convicted of crimes worse than a minor traffic violation (Tony Rezko?)

Other creepy things Obama wants to know is what you’ve written in your diary and everything you’ve ever written online, including any potentially damaging emails.  Obama also wants to know if applicants have had associations with any person or group who could be used to attack the applicant’s character.  I guess as long as they aren’t any worse than Bill Ayers or ACORN, it’ll be OK.

Obama groups work to steal election

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Democrat election stealing attempts continue, with news that convicted felons in Florida remain registered, Democrats outnumbering Republicans 2-1.

Also, Barack Obama’s former employer continues to be scrutinized for registration chicanery in 10 states.

Written by The Parse

October 13, 2008 at 10:46 am

Debate Round 2 (and Ohio shenanigans)

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John McCain did take the gloves off in tonight’s debate like many were predicting, but he did land some solid jabs on Obama.  Nonetheless, he could have made some stronger connections between Obama and the mortgage meltdown, particularly by mentioning Obama’s work for ACORN, which pushed for regulations that caused the crisis.  McCain actually should have drawn these lines in the first debate when the meltdown was red hot.  His recent stump scathing of Obama may be too little, too late. Also, he didn’t once bring up Obama’s radical friends tonight, though given the questions and atmosphere, that may have come across as too cheap.  Regardless, McCain must remove the gloves completely in the final debate, and conventional wisdom would dictate he will if he is trailing.

Other than missing some opportunities to make bigger punches, McCain did well generally.  But, so did Obama (at least in terms of style – his dangerous ideology and distortions are another matter).  With some new polls showing a tightening race after the VP debate, tonight’s event may keep this close.

In other news, Obama election fraud shenanigans continue, with homeless people being rounded up in Ohio to register and vote the same day for – guess who – Obama.

Written by The Parse

October 8, 2008 at 9:25 pm

Obama’s hand in the meltdown

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A quick summary of Barack Obama’s complicity in the financial sector meltdown (as revealed so far):

1. He was the attorney for a far-left agitation group called ACORN when it lobbied the Clinton administration to change rules so that banks would be forced to make more home loans to low-income people.
2. His campaign finance chairman was one of the people who had a hand in repacking these toxic loans into investment vehicles that have decimated the financial sector in the US and abroad.
3. He has received more donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac than all but one other Senator (Democrat Chris Dodd). These two organizations, besides their illegal activities, exacerbated the meltdown by guaranteeing bad loans and selling them as investment vehicles to Wall St. with that guarantee.
4. He has received advice and had on his staff two corrupt Fannie/Freddie officials.
5. His party resisted regulation of Fannie and Freddie – regulation advocated by George W. Bush and John McCain, among other Republicans.

Written by The Parse

October 3, 2008 at 10:09 pm

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The American Thinker documents Barack Obama’s radical connections and implicates him in the financial sector meltdown that resulted in today’s socialism bill being signed into law.

Everyone needs to read it.  Obama is the most radical and dangerous candidate to ever be nominated by a major party.  Our country will suffer significant and perhaps irrevocable damage if he is elected.

One of the most newsworthy revelations in the article is Obama’s hand in risky sub-prime lending:

“Most significant of all, ACORN was the driving force behind a 1995 regulatory revision pushed through by the Clinton Administration that greatly expanded the CRA and laid the groundwork for the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac borne financial crisis we now confront. Barack Obama was the attorney representing ACORN in this effort.”

Also, the Obama campaign’s financial chairperson, Penny Pritzker, defrauded depositors out of $50 million when her bank failed in 2001 and had a hand in repackaging subprime loans into investment vehicles.  We all are paying for that move.

Written by The Parse

October 3, 2008 at 2:13 pm