The Parse

Parsing the stupidity

Posts Tagged ‘loan

Pelosi crafting crafty automaker bailout

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Nancy Pelosi has finally expressed a willingness to compromise her enviro-leftist principles by allowing some of the money in an environmental loan program for automakers to be used for a bailout instead.  The money in the program is supposed to be used by the manufacturers to make cars designed by Greenpeace.  Until last night, Pelosi and other Democrats had been opposed to siphoning off some of those billions for a general bailout of the Not-So-Big 3.

But Pelosi is still crafty and shrewd, demanding that any money taken from the program be replaced within weeks.  What’s going on here is that Pelosi is trying to set things up so that when the automaker bailout is announced, the media narrative will continuously repeat the fact that a large portion of it is coming from money already spent.  What will go unnoticed is that the $25 billion or $34 billion in bailout bucks that hasn’t been spent yet will then get spent to replinish the loan program.  So either way, there will be an automaker bailout and it will involve new money.

Written by The Parse

December 6, 2008 at 11:46 am